Icone social AHP

Matthias DÖRRIES

  • Professeur en épistémologie et histoire des sciences (depuis 1999)
  • Director of Studies du Master ESST (European Inter-University Association on Society, Science & Technology), depuis 2002 (http://www.esst.eu)
  • Président de ESST (European Inter-University Association on Society, Science & Technology) (depuis 2014)


Domaines de recherche

  • Histoire des sciences (géo)physiques et des sciences atmosphériques (18ème - 20ème siècles)
  • Histoire des sciences en France (18ème - 20ème siècles)
  • Histoire des relations entre sciences humaines, littérature et langage et sciences naturelles



-Delforge, Nicolas et Matthias Dörries, Limites de la créativité. Normes, sciences et arts (Paris, Kimé, 2016).

-David Cantor, Christian Bonah, Matthias Dörries, éds., Meat, Medicine and Human Health, Studies in the Social History of Medicine: Medicine, Society and Culture (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2010).

-Matthias Dörries, éd. Michael Frayn's Copenhagen in Debate. (Berkeley: Office for the History of Science and Technology, University of California Press, 2005).

-Matthias Dörries, ed. Experimenting in Tongues: Studies in Science and Language. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002).

-Matthias Dörries, Lorraine Daston, Michael Hagner, éds. Wissenschaft zwischen Geld und Geist (Berlin: Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2001) (preprint).

-Matthias Dörries, éd. Kopenhagen - Zwölf wissenschaftshistorische Lesarten. (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2001). (Quatrième édition augmentée, 2005).

-Matthias Dörries and Klaus Hentschel, éds. Heinrich Kayser, 'Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben'. (Munich: IGN, 1996).

-Christine Blondel and Matthias Dörries, éds. Restaging Coulomb – Usages, controverses et réplications autour de la balance de torsion. (Florence: Olschki, 1994).


Édition des numéros thématiques des revues

-"Inaugural issue" avec des contributions de Evelyn Fox Keller, Robert Kohler, John Krige, Naomi Oreskes, Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences (2008) (avec Cathryn Carson, Hasok Chang, A.J. Lustig, Patrick McCray).

-"Changing climate - modeling climate", Matthias Dörries et Christophe Masutti (éds.), Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 37 (2006).

Articles (sélection

-“Modern science and the spirit of language, literature, and philology”  in : Language as a scientific tool : Scientific language across time and national traditions, Miles MacLoed, Rocío G. Sumillera, Jan Surman, Ekaterina Smirnova (éds), (New York : Routledge, 2016), 9-21.

-“Politics, deep time, and the future,” Historical Social Research, 40 (2015), 22-36 (special issue: Christian Rohr and Andrea Westermann (éds.)).

-“Anticipating the Climate Change,” in Catastrophes. A History and Theory of an Operative Concept, Nitzan Lebovic and Andreas Killen, éds. (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014), 181-198.

-"The transmutation of ozone in the early 1970s," in Toxic Airs, James Fleming and Ann Johnson, éds., (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2014), 208-229.

-"Life, language, and science: Hans-Jörg Rheinberger's historical epistemology", Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences 42 (2012), 71-82.

-"Nuclear winter and global climatic change", Osiris 26  (2011), 198-223.

-"Climate catastrophes and fear” Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 1 (2010), 885-890.

-"The ‘winter’ analogy fallacy : from superbombs to supervolcanoes», History of Meteorology, 4 (2008), 41-56.

-"In the public eye: Volcanology and climate change studies in the 20th century," Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 37  (2006), 87-125.

-"Krakatau 1883: Die Welt als Labor und Erfahrungsraum" in Schröder, Iris, Höhler, Sabine (Hg.), Welt-Räume. Geschichte, Geographie und Globalisierung seit 1900 (Frankfurt a. M., Campus 2005), 51-73.

-"Purity and objectivity in nineteenth-century metrology and literature" Perspectives on Science  9:2 (2001), 233-250.

-"Easy transit: Crossing boundaries between physics and chemistry in mid-nineteenth-century France."  Crosbie Smith and John Agar (ed.), Making space for science.  Territorial themes in the shaping of knowledge  (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998), 246-262.

-"Heinrich Kayser as philologist of physics", Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 26:1 (1995), 1-33.

 -"La standardisation de la balance de torsion dans les projets européens du magnétisme terrestre" in: Restaging Coulomb - Usages, controverses et réplications autour de la balance de torsion, Christine Blondel, Matthias Dörries (eds.), (Firenze: Olschki, 1994), 121-150.

-"Balances, spectroscopes, and the reflexive nature of experiment", Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 25 (1994), 1-36.

-"Prior History and Aftereffects: Hysteresis and Nachwirkung in 19th Century Physics", Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 22:1 (1991), 25-55.


Communications récentes (sélection)

-“Icelandic volcanoes and the risk of the disruption of North Atlantic air transport“, workshop: Modernizing climate in the environmental, atmospheric and geo-sciences: Nordic contributions and the international context, KTH, Stockholm, 15 mars.

-"Effects of Volcanic Eruptions and Nuclear Explosions on the Earth’s climate”, Second international conference on the History of Meteorological Science and Technology, Beijing, 12 décembre.

-“The Earth’s Past Climate and the Future “, Second international conference on the History of Meteorological Science and Technology, Beijing, 13 décembre.

-“Tambora as a Model Case in Volcanology, Geography, and Climate Studies : Historical Considerations", Conference Volcanoes, Climate, and Society : Bicentenary of the Great Tambora Eruption, Berne, 10 avril 2015.

-“Elemente der Geschichte des Ozons", Institut für Geschichte der Pharmazie, Marburg, 14 janvier 2015.

-“What time-horizon for what kind of politics? Deep time events in geophysics, climate science, and the future”, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhague, 4 juin 2014

-“La géo-ingénierie du climat – jeu d’apprenti sorcier ou dernier recours ? ”, Institut français, Copenhague, 3 juin 2014.

-“Anticipating the Climate Catastrophe”, University of Valencia, 26 novembre 2013.

-"Towards a history of geoengineering (commentary) Workshop : Geoengineering on the climate change agenda, Paris, 11 octobre 2013.

-“Chilly computations: Cold war and nuclear winter”, Paris, EHESS, 15 mai 2013.

-Global Environment as Indicators of Social Change, University of Berne, 24 janvier 2013.

-"Hugo Benioff and the fine-tuning of seismometers and musical instruments at Caltech." History of Science Society Meeting, San Diego, 16 novembre 2012.

-“Looking backwards into future: Eloges in the Académie des Sciences in the nineteenth century”, Paris, EHESS, 5 juin 2012

-"Anticipating the Climate Catastrophe", Workshop on Operative Catastrophes, Columbia University, New York, 2 March 2012.

-"Nuclear weapons, ozone depletion, and uncertainty during the cold war", Gordon Cain conference on the history of atmospheric chemistry, Philadelphia, 2 avril 2011.

-"Language as a tool in the sciences", University of Amsterdam, 20 décembre 2010.

-"Language as an analogy", International conference, Language as a scientific tool. Managing language as a variable of practice and presentation, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, 29-30 novembre 2010.

-“La géophysique et l’émergence du passé”, REHSEIS, Paris, 16 novembre 2010.

-“Commentary” sur la session ‘Predicting the unthinkable: sciences of natural and social crisis’ organisée par William Deringer (Princeton University), History of Science Society meeting, Montréal, 5 novembre 2010.

-"Nuclear weapons, ozone depletion, and climate change during the Cold War”, Conference: From ozone studies to global climate change – new historical and political perspectives, Paris, 8 juin 2010.

-"The 1960 Chilean earthquake and the free oscillations of the Earth", AGU Chapman Conference on giant earthquakes and their tsunamis, Valparaiso, Chile, 17-20 mai 2010.

-"Volcanisme et changement climatique dans les années 1980", Journée d’étude: Pour une histoire interdisciplinaire des Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers, Centre François Viète, Université de Nantes, 5 mai 2010.

-"’Nuclear winter’: climate change and the globalization of science", Program in Science, Technology, and Humanities, University of Bologna, 23 mars 2010.

-"From thought experiments to simulations: Cold War science and climatic change,” International conference: Thought experiments and computer simulations, IHPST, Paris, 12 mars 2010.

-"The Chilean earthquake and the pulse of the earth", History of Science Society, Phoenix, novembre 2009.

-"Nuclear arms, cold war, and climate change", International Congress of History of Science and Technology, Budapest, juillet, août 2009.

-"Représenter le monde : La carte de Joan Blaeu de 1648" , Seminaire de l’IRIST, Strasbourg, mai 2009."

-"Nuclear winter’ and global climatic change", Conférence : Climate and Cultural Anxiety, Colby College, Maine, avril 2009.

-"’Nuclear winter’ and global climatic change", History of Science Society meeting, Pittsburgh, novembre, 2008.

Responsabilités éditoriales

  • Vice-chair du bureau exécutif de la revue Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences (University of California Press, Berkeley), avec Cathryn Carson (University of California at Berkeley), Michael Gordin (Princeton University, chair), David Kaiser (MIT), A.J. Lustig (ETH, Zürich), Patrick McCray (University of California at Santa Barbara) (depuis 2007)