Philosophia ScientiæTravaux d'histoire et de philosophie des sciences Studien zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte und -Philosophie Studies in History and Philosophy of Science |
Philosophia Scientiae is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. It publishes research in epistemology, history and philosophy of science, especially in the field of mathematics, physics, and logic, without excluding any particular scientific field. The journal was founded in 1996 by Gerhard Heinzmann.
It is published by Kimé Éditions (Paris). Varia issues (on a variety of topics) alternate with thematic issues. As of 2011, thematic issues will also include a “Varia section” (for papers unrelated to the main topic of the issue).
Potential authors or editors are invited to submit their articles or topical issue projects to the managing editor of the journal, according to the Guide for Authors.
Articles published in Philosophia Scientiæ are indexed in the Philosopher's Index, the Francis database, Zentralblatt MATH & MathSciNet (as of 2010), the ERIH Reference Index, and theInternational Philosophical Bibliography.
Authors receive a complimentary copy of the issue containing their contribution, as well as an electronic version of their article (in PDF format).
Philosophia Scientiae is now entirely available online on three plaforms (1996-present):
Revue.org : main portal of the journal, centralized access point to the two other platforms
- period covered: 2000-2011 (TOCs, abstracts, index of authors)
- full-text in open access: 2000-2007 (moving wall)
- period covered (open access):1996-2007 (moving wall)
Cairn (in partnership with Revue.org)
- access for subscribers only, but with a pay-per-view service
- period covered: 3 most recent years
Just released: Philosophia Scientiae Volume 16 Issue 3: Alan Turing, edited by J. Copeland, D. Galmiche, D. Larchey-Wendling & J. Vidal-Rosset
Philosophia Scientiae is now entirely available online: backissues (1996-2007) on Numdam; latest issues on CAIRN (3 last years), with the main access via Revue.org!
- CFP: Tacit and Explicit Knowledge: Harry Collins' framework (Submission deadline: 01/09/2012)
Recent issues
- Volume 16 Cahier 2: Modal Matters (edited by Filipe Drapeau Contim & Sébastien Motta)
- Volume 16, Issue 1 : From Practice to Results in Logic and Mathematics (edited by Valeria Giardino, Amirouche Moktefi, Sandra Mols et Jean Paul Van Bendegem)
- Volume 15, Issue 3: L'espace et le temps. Approches en philosophie, mathématiques et physique, edited by Christophe Bouriau, Catherine Dufour, Philippe Lombard